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1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair

Reg # N756UJ


  • 1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair Photo 2
  • 1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair Photo 3
  • 1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair Photo 4
  • 1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair Photo 5
  • 1978 Cessna Turbo U206G Stationair Photo 6


Aircraft Total Time: 5216 Hours
Engine Time: 1420 SMOH on TSIO 520 M, 1600 TBO and 310 HP
Time Since Teardown: 510 Hours. (Bearing replacement)

Propeller Time: 532 SPOH on Wide chord square tipped three blade McCauley
Annual Due: May 2025
Useful Load: 1456 Lbs


Garmin GMA 345 Audio panel with 3LMB and intercom
Garmin GNS 650 Color IFR moving map GPS/Com
Garmin G5 #1
Garmin G5 #2
Garmin GTX 345 Transponder with ADSB in and out
Flightstream 210 bluetooth connectivity
King KX 170B analog 760 channel Nav/com
King KI 209 Glide slope/VOR/Localizer indicator
King KN 62 digital DME
Davtron digital VOR display
Fuel scan 450 fuel flow computer
EDM 711 Graphic engine monitor
Dual yoke mounted drilled push-to-talk buttons
Remote ELT arming panel
Outside air temp gauge
map lights
Electroluminescent panel
True airspeed indicator
Avionics master switch⁠


Excellent paint in traduitional correct 1978 Scheme with overall white and tan and red accents. Very good condition. Overall including all windows, 9 out of 10.


Original Red leather and fabric seats with some wear showing especially on the front. Matching side panels and carpet in good condition. Cream headliner. Overall 7 out of 10.

Additional Equipment

310 HP Turbo 520 engine with 1600 hour TBO
Wide-chord square tipped three blade propeller
84 gallons long range fuel
Knisley exhaust (No AD)
Heavy bumpy backed case engine
Magnetos overhauled 200 hours ago
Rosen visors
Pilot side articulating seat
Right side openable window
Six seats
Wheel pants included
Bracket air filter
Factory Oxygen
Double rear utility doors
Shoulder harnesses
Courtesy lights
Flap gap seals
OEM wingtip LED lights
Dual LED Landing Lights in left wing
Dual LED landing lights in nose
Horizontal stabilizer abrasion boots
Static wicks
Cowling cooling louvers
Ground service power plug
Rotating beacon
LED wingtip strobes
Polished spinner
Stainless steel screw kit
Lower front right side removable cowl STC
Rear seat vents
Double puck HD Brakes


Very rare. One owner since new. California based since new and always hangared. No hail, no corrosion, no damage history. Complete logs although they are copies scanned at 8 by 11 format. Very rare to find a TU206G with such a good pedigree. Never commercially operated., LLC


Phone: (530) 306-4648

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