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Dornier aircraft for sale

1960 DORNIER DO-27 A4 for sale -
TT: 2584 hrs Total Landings: 6652 Time Since Overhaul: 1905 hrs Engine Lycoming GO-480-B1A6, S/N: L-760-28 TT: TSOH: 261 hrs Overhauled: 15/11/1998 TBO: 1400 / 12 Years Propeller Hartzell HC-82V20-1B/V10133D3, S/N: C-174N TT: TSOH: 76 hrs Ovherauled: 06/08/2022 TBO: 1000 hrs / 5 Years......more.

Aeromeccanica, SA - (41) 9121 03128




1986 DORNIER 228-202 for sale -
Aircraft is subject to verification of specifications, logs, times, damage and all equipment listed. Airframe: Total Time: 27,012 Engines: HONEYWELL TPE331-5 Time: 368 SOH TBO: 5400 Cycles: 30958 ......more.

Aircraft Canada - 403-547-1024