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Beech King Air 200/250/260 aircraft for sale



1977 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 200 for sale -
NOW AVAILABLE! Fully Upgrade Garmin Panel Dual G-600Txi, Dual GTN-750Txi, Dual GTX-345s, Garmin GFC-600 Autopilot, Custom Black Leather Interior 2023, Custom Paint in 2022. Fully Updated on More Program 8000TBO!! Airframe: Total Time: 10,342 Total Landings: 10,345 Engines: PRATT & WHITNEY Time: 4092 TBO: 8000 Props: Props Overhauled in 2023......more.

Scott Macdonald Aircraft Sales - (772) 781-5900

1978 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 200 for sale -
American Aircraft Sales is proud to present King Air 200 with Blackhawk -61 Engines, Raisbeck Mods and Garmin G1000 Avionics Suite...For Sale. Airframe: Total Time: 17,257.1 Total Landings: 18,995 Engines: Engine 1: Blackhawk -61 Both Engines: 3765.3 Hours Since New 3745 Cycles 315.5 Hours Since Hot Section 241 Cycles Since Hot Section 1484.5 Hours until Hot Section Engine 2: B......more.

American Aircraft Sales Inc. - (561) 790-4060



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1979 Beech King Air 200 for sale -

International Aircraft Marketing and Sales - 941-355-5353

1981 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 200 for sale -
For Lease with Purchase option! (In Pre-buy) Call Mark Fischer Financing available through JetLease Capital! +. Airframe: Total Time: 14,082 Engines: Time: 500/500 SOH TBO: 3600/3600......more.

JetLease Palm Beach, Inc. - (561)234-0854




1982 Beechcraft King Air B200 for sale -

Lone Mountain Aircraft - 888-566-3686




1992 Beechcraft King Air B200 for sale -
Airframe: 6731 Hours Total Time Airframe Total cycles: 6663 Engines: Left Engine: 3031.6 Hours Since Major Overhaul Right Engine: 2865.4 Hours Since Major Overhaul Prop: 4 Blade Prop Left & Right 670 /670 Hours SInce Prop Overhaul ......more.

Triton Airways - (954) 806-5546

2002 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR B200 for sale -
American Aircraft Sales if proud to present 2002 King Air B200 BB1783 featuring Garmin G1000 Avionics, Hartzell 4-Blade Props and Phase 1-4 Inspection c/w June 2024 For Sale. Airframe: Total Time: 5,214 Total Landings: 3,893 Engines: PRATT & WHITNEY PT6A-42 4983.6 Hours Since New / 3515 Cycles Since New 1636.8 Hours Since Overhaul / 925 Cycles Since Overhaul Props: Hartzell 3475.5......more.

American Aircraft Sales Inc. - (561) 790-4060

2008 BEECHCRAFT KING AIR 350 for sale -
American Aircraft Sales is proud to present 2008 King Air 350 with Blackhawk PT6A-67A Engines @ 675.9 Hours Since New and Enrolled on ESP Gold Lite. It also features Collins Proline Fusion Avionics Suite, TRUE BLUE TB44 Advanced Lithium-Ion Battery, Ground Cooling STC, 12-2020 Paint / Interior. Airframe: Total Time: 2,716.7 Total Landings: 1,766 Engines: PRATT & WHITNEY PT6A-67A Engin......more.

American Aircraft Sales Inc. - (561) 790-4060